Friday, November 2, 2018



Post Halloween review... delayed actually I was planning to post this on the 31st of October but I got tangled up with something else.
Anyway here is my review for Hellsing hope you guys will like it.

Hellsing Ultimate is one of the two Hellsing series that came out. One was Hellsing TV Series and the other is Hellsing Ultimate.

This review will be covering only Hellsing Ultimate which came out around 2006 to 2012 with 13 episodes that runs almost an hour each episode.

This version of Hellsing starts off with the young Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing the descendant of Abram Van Hellsing the Vampire Hunter who defeated Alucard the most powerful Vampire. Young Integra was being chased by her uncle who wants to kill her in order for him to inherit all of the entire fortune of Abram Van Hellsing that he has left behind along with the entire Hellsing Organization that takes out all monsters of the night.

Integra was given instruction that if ever her life is in danger, she has to go to the deepest dungeon of the Hellsing Estate where she will find the most powerful weapon of the Hellsing Organization. Upon reaching the deepest dungeon the only thing she was not a weapon but a dried-up corpse that does not pose any harm in any way. After being wounded by a gunshot by her uncle, blood splattered close to the corpse. With the scent of blood of a young virgin girl the corpse moved and began feeding on the blood on the floor and takes on a form of pure evil and destruction. The corpse was the weapon she was supposed to use. The revitalized corpse was Alucard the most powerful and original vampire.

Other than Alucard and Integra there are other characters that makes up the Hellsing Organization, one of them is Walter C. Dornez a butler that also works for Integra but he is also an assassin and one of the most highly skilled known. The other notable character in the series and also one of the reasons why I got stuck watching the series is Seras Victoria a former police officer shot by Alucard in order to kill the rogue vampire that has taken her hostage. Yup Alucard shot Seras at the chest leaving a huge hole big enough to fit an adult fist through and through, Alucard dropped the question if she was a virgin and if she wanted to survive. Waking up Seras finds herself in an unfamiliar room where Alucard was sitting next to her on her bed asking how she feels becoming an undead and a Draculina. Seras was turned into a female vampire and not a ghoul, keeping her own personality and sanity at the same time giving inhuman strength and abilities.

Seras carries huge weapons that no ordinary man can carry on their own. The Hellsing ARMS Anti-Midian Cannon Harkonnen and later the Harkonnen II. The I see Seras is a hot vampire gal that was made into a walking tank that can take out targets miles away. One more to take note, Seras still have her reflection in the mirror. Compared to her master who carries two handguns that looks like a miniaturized anti tank artillery.

Another notable character was the human, the only human that can match Alucard hand to hand in almost any combat situation as well as forcing Alucard to take drastic measures just fight against this human known as Alexander Anderson a crazy psycho path with a lot of loose screws in the head. He is also strong enough to take out a number of enemies making him a human monster to ordinary men. Alexander Anderson is armed with two or more bayonets which he carries in his person and up to now I don't know where he hides all those bayonets.

Many other characters in this series that made the entire series run very interesting to watch as well as to wait for the next episode especially for those who followed this during the time it was being released one episode at a time.

The series itself was full of blood and gore, flying limbs, undead eating human flesh, Alucard making blood puree from his opponents, pools of blood all over the place.

Just like other anime series that I have watched and finished this series has made a place as one of my favorites and I would be watching it again and again of there are no other good anime series to watch. Not a very typical vampire themed anime series which is why it got me hooked from start to finish not to mention all the juicy action scenes were given very detailed and not rushed unlike the current anime series that has been aired recently the fight scenes were seemed rushed and too compressed in a few minutes not giving viewers what they want to see just making them want more and later be disappointed since it was the last episode of the series and no season two or just a special episode to satisfy the viewers. So yes, a 10 episode and 40 to 50 mins per episode of this Hellsing Ultimate was satisfying for me although the fanservice for Seras was given in a very different way and the most awaited pantsu shot was given at the almost end of the final episode giving the Seras fanservice fans what they have been waiting for from the time she appeared in episode one (except for the molesting scene).

Among all the vampire themed anime series that I have watched this series is the only one that I have watched that has featured almost all that I want in an anime series. Full action scenes, main character not so over powered even though it has been mentioned that no one can defeat Alucard except for Alexander Anderson that can match him. There are other powerful opponents in the series that has fought against Alucard but unlike them Anderson is the only one I have seen that has enough common sense to see that there are times that he has to skip fighting Alucard or even consider his opponents a companion just like in one scene where he and his group escorted the leader of the Hellsing Corp, Integra, to a safe place and unharmed.

There are various rivalries in the series other than Alucard and Anderson, Seras herself was matched with Anderson’s apprentice named Heinkel Wolfe whose mentor is Anderson the rival of her master Alucard so seems like a likely rivalry of masters and apprentices just too bad we never got to see Seras and Heinkel get a final match but we did get to see Seras in full combat action when the Hellsing Headquarters was attacked by Zorin Blitz the Amazonian soldier of The Major whose goal is to destroy everything and make everyone his followers. In this battle Seras has already drank her first batch of blood which came from the perverted Pip Beradotte the mercenary who has been teasing Seras and has been wanting to score on her which he did right before he died in her arms and got her to drink all the remaining blood in his body. Thus giving Seras new strength and abilities making her into True Vampire which Alucard has been wanting to make her into.

Seras won many battles after she became a True Vampire giving her the strength almost similar to Alucard and also she gained the ability to fly. Pip became her familiar which form is a shadow like appearance and is connected to her body that took the place of her left arm. Yeah I know some guys out there are already imagining stuff about Pip taking control and advantage of the situation being connected to Seras’ body as a familiar and wanting to score on her.

Another interesting thing in the series are the character designs as well as how they change the facial reactions of each characters showing their good calm side and later turning into a sadistic demonic as if possessed faces making them look like a different character as the scenes change and having characters adapt to certain situations. The feared looks in each of the character’s faces were also very interesting to see as you can almost say that the drawn faces of the characters in the anime were very real and that some viewers will think if real people can have such twisted facial features having fear, anger, calmness and those puppy looks that Seras and Schrondinger has been making when they are being scolded or otherwise.

Schroinger is also another very strange character in the series since his very character is supposed to be there but he is not there at the same time making him like a shadow of another character that has been either shown in the series or was never shown in the series. Not much action was given for this guy who looks like a girl and seemed to have at first was attracted to Seras but was later seen inside Alucard as if he was killed and absorbed by the vampire during some off-scene events.

The Major is another twisted character in this series just a war hungry human that has come across Alucard in a distant past in one of Alucard’s missions along with Walter when he still a young crazy assassin and Alucard was in a young female form for some reason. The Major was never seen in action except showing his twisted war strategies where he used the undead as his soldiers and attacking everyone regardless of gender and age. Not much was shown of The Major’s history even in the special episodes where Alucard was in a female form and the young Walter. His soldiers all seems to be immortals as well considering them having incredible strengths and regenerating abilities.

There are too many interesting scenes in the series itself and while watching I can say that not everything was rushed specially those action scenes where Alucard, Seras and Anderson were involved in. All the action scenes made in the series for me all seemed well planned and plotted very well. There is no feeling of being rushed for me unless I was too entertained and did not noticed that the scenes were actually rushed and I was just carried away by how the scenes were made and delivered in each episode.

Highly recommended to those looking for a full action vampire themed anime series and I can say they will not regret watching this series specially those who has seen the old TV version and has not seen the Hellsing Ultimate which I think is very rare now unless they don’t want confuse themselves with the story flow between the TV series and the Ultimate version since they seem the same but they are not the same as well. Watching the OVA alone is enough if a viewer wants action and blood from start to finish no censors in the Ultimate just brighten the monitor and colors and you will see the darkened parts of the bloody scenes.

Credits to owners of video and pictures used in the review