Thursday, August 9, 2018


I grew up watching different and many cartoons and TV shows before being drawn to anime.


A number of Cartoons which I remember watching will be listed.

1) MASK 

One of the cartoons that got stuck to me, a group of crime fighting heroes driving special vehicles that convert into an alternate form for combat. I had a toy or two way way back then which I played with until it got broken parts and well I don't know which box it was placed in the storage. Very entertaining and something I watch and wait for the next episode. Aired 1985 to 1986 and I think I got to watch this around early 90's in local network which I think was RPN 9 during that time as an afternoon cartoon I think. So yeah this is one of those cartoons  I watched back then.


Scientists wearing armors that looks like Ironman armor Mark I doing some exploration beneath the surface of the Earth and fighting against giant creatures that well rule the Underground world of the Earth.


High tech mountain climbers armed with backpacks that shoots lines of ropes and traversing from one mountain to another while the villains use flying machines and use the lines of the good guys to travel as well.


Siblings driving high tech cars with A.I. computers or monitors which they attach to their respective cars and without those talking TV's the cars will not work, well they will work but not as efficient as it has to work.


I can hardly recall if I watched this one but I do recall watching with similar vehicles. But yeah this seemed really familiar to me and I have to dig more to watch this one again. Nice rides by the way.


Saturday mornings were not complete for me when this was being aired. Live action Mario Brothers and later the cartoon starts, and before the show ends the actors come back to end the episode while eating pasta or whatever.


GET ME RAMBO!!! Still can remember that line every time Rambo is needed. Not much really to say about this series except I have seen both the cartoons and the movies


Yeah I also watched this show back then, fun to watch I remember Rainbow Bright teaming up with a male character that uses stars as his power or weapon.


JOE - JOE!!! COBRAAA!!!! heheheh classic battle cries during my childhood and while playing with my GI Joe toys (I wonder where those are). I was choosing which opening to use and I guess this one is the best having to see both sides in battle while the theme song plays.

10) He-Man and She-Ra

the classic siblings separated and later ended up having the same destiny to protect and fight evil in their respective dimensions. He-man versus Skeletor and She-ra versus Hordac. recently He-man received a reboot of the series and also seen and yeah I liked the series and now She-ra is getting hers but I am still waiting to see the series and I have seen the sneak peaks of the new She-ra and yeah my reaction at first was "did they made a boy wear a She-ra outfit?" But that is something for me to wait and see since there are too many wild reactions for the new She-ra series which will be airing anytime soon. Still the classic for me though


A teenager and his car merged into one. Yeah I wonder how many kids back then tried to copy that guy while he was transforming into a car. Cold makes him human and Hot makes him a car (hey Ranma car version hehehe). And look his clothes also becomes part of the car. His enemy is a monster truck. 


Speed of the Puma, Eyes of an Hawk, Ears of the Wolf, Strength of the Bear. and is this guy related to that comic strip character Brenda Starr? hehehe.  Wild West type sci-fi cartoon. A cowboy that looks like a Native American and a talking horse that can transform humanoid like figure named 30-30 and carries a giant shotgun bazooka as his weapon.


Now this one fun series to watch seen the classic 80's cartoon series and later turned into a live action trilogy film and later got two new live action films which for me were both great. the series later got several reincarnation with different stories and now there is a new retelling of the series where the leader is Raphael and not Leonardo and not to mention they are all loose cannons in the new series (as if they were never loose cannons to begin with) 


They  fly in space, they have wings, they have a pilot that plays a guitar and uses it as a steering device and a weapon. wings comes out from their sides to fly in space. Their enemy is half octopus, and I was still innocent back then and tentacles were just tentacles for me but now... that is for another review. Not sure if I saw the series to the end but yeah I enjoyed watching this series as well.


Transformers one of the most memorable cartoon series that i have watched. Alien robots transforming into vehicles and accessories, A giant robot that can turn into a gun which a fellow robot can use and sometimes a human, a giant robot can turn into a portable pocket sized walkman and can launch his cassette robots. I was amazed back then, until I grew a bit older and later rethink how the heck do those robots change their sizes and weights for humans to use and carry them but they transform into a robot bigger than a two floor house. Other series came out after the generation one series I was able to to watch the series where a cyber cube has been flying around and changing the scenes and later on the movie and Optimus died and was replaced by Hotrod later known as Rodimus later known as one of the hated Autobots in some transformer forums, why not Ultramagnus became the leader? hehehe


Tigersharks, yeah humans turning into seabased creatures everytime they dive into that pool in their ship and transforms into sea creatures. I don't think they got a chance to meet the Thundercats but I do recall watching this almost same year when Thundercats aired. Liked watching this series the leader turns into a shark, one turns into a dolphin, a walrus, I think one turns into a whale shark and the female turns into ... she gets an octopus as a her head (now I start to think why did they do that to her).


Care Bears, cuddly little bears they have crests on their tummies that they can shoot to fend off evil.  Not that much I can tell about this series except kids will love watching this series.


THUNDER - THUNDER - THUNDERCATS HOOOOOO!!!!! One of the series I always wish i never skipped an episode watching. Can't recall if I ever got to see all the episodes which was aired in our country back then but after many years a reboot came out in year 2011 and I was able to see some episodes but I doubt the series was ever finished and no additional season has come out yet except for that crazy Thundercats Roar series which I really doubt I would ever watch.



BISMARCK opening

A cowboy, a racer, a rich horseback riding kid (that sounded wrong in many ways) and a lone girl member in the party (now that sounded a lot wrong in so many ways). I first got to see the Saber Rider version which is English dubbed and only got to know that there was a Japanese release which I still have not completed yet. The main characters in both series is different, in the English dubbed version the main character is the horse guy Saber and the main character in the Japanese version is Fireball or known in Japan as Hikaru. So basically once I start watching the Japanese version there will be a lot of differences in the flow of the story.


Yeah there wasn't much to watch back then no cable only local channels airing shows licensed for local broadcasting. But hey I was watching to be entertained and this was entertaining for me back then.

That will be all for now I will be posting more classic cartoons that I watched back then

(credits to the owners of the videos)

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