Sunday, September 2, 2018



An online android and ios game which has been popular to handheld Gamers worldwide.

This game has been around since 2016 for both Android and iOS phones.

Mobile Legends is one of the FREE TO PLAY games that can be played by just downloading from GOOGLE PLAY for android devices and iOS devices.

The game format for those who have played DOTA years ago and now DOTA2 are a bit similar with some differences as well.

Basic game format for the game is a 5 on 5 match up where a player teams up with 4 other players and play against another team of 5 players from other countries playing the game online. The game allows a players to interact with other players through the chat capability of the game, while in a match or while players are in the lobby of the game.

In order for player to acquire characters for them choose from they can buy characters from the in game shop by use of BP or Battle Points which can be acquired from finishing a match win or lose the player gets some BP and collect it until they have enough to buy a character. Another method is by use of Tickets, Fragments and Trial Tickets these can be acquired through quests. Another method is by use of Diamonds which can be acquired by exchanging real money to Diamonds in order to buy characters which looked cheap but you will be spending real money in order to purchase.

The game itself is very addicting that there are those who play the will rather not be disturbed while playing the game. So addicting that players will spend real money to buy diamonds and buy characters for them to use since buying diamonds by real money is the fastest way to acquire characters and skins. Getting characters and skins are also part of quests since some quests require the use of specific characters in order to complete and get the rewards.

The game also allows players to make upgrades for characters to use these are the emblems that can be upgraded by collecting specific emblems: FIGHTERS, MAGICAL, TANK, JUNGLE, ASSASSIN, MAGE, MARKSMAN, FIGHTER and SUPPORT.

Each of the emblems can used by any players but of course the emblems themselves are supposed to be used by characters that has their own corresponding class. But like any other old school gamers and gamers who wants to experiment we mix and match and see how it will affect the characters.

During a match a player can buy equipment for their characters in order to get power ups, to buy these power ups a player must kill monsters, minions and opposing players to gather gold to buy those equipment. Each character is said to have a specific BUILD or equipment to be given to specific character. Get the right equipment and the character will function way better but sometimes it is all up to the gamer on how they will build their character and what equipment they will buy in a match and what emblem to use for that character.

But since this is a game made by programmers there are other programmers out there who end up making hack tools in order to sell or to give to players who are too stubborn to play normally making their account acquire battle points, tickets, emblems, diamonds, gold and other stuff without breaking a sweat. Cheaters as we call them, making short cuts so they don’t lose or get killed in the game (sore losers what else is new).

In this game I normally use long range characters or marksman only because I can keep my distance from other players who use close range characters to play with also they dealt heavy damage once they have all the equipment they need. But that was what I though since marksman once they have what they need also give a lot of heavy damage to other players and I have experienced giving such damage to others.

There are times that I have played against other players that even with low levels they give too much damage that only high level characters will give and when they have gotten the equipment they needed. That is when I saw some people saying they will report those players for they are cheating in the game. There is a cheat in the game where players can get gold for themselves in order to buy what equipment they need and start playing as level 1 but they can kill other players with a few hits compared to other level 1 characters in the game.

I guess cheaters will be everywhere and in every game no matter what and no matter how many will report the cheating incident. But since I am just playing just to entertain myself once the match is over I log out and play another game in my device and return later hoping that the cheaters will in in another match.

Another thing I have experienced in the game is that once a team gets a member or two that gets easily killed are called newbie or those who have just started playing the game. But there are other players who has been playing the game for a very long time that gets killed easily since the character they chose is not their usual character and just using it in order to complete a quest. Like me for instance I have played this game so many times that I get killed every time since this is not really the kind of game I am used to playing. I just play the game in order to kill time and for entertainment so I don’t mind getting called a newbie or whatever. There are just so many gamers out there that are too PERFECT that they are already greedy to win and does not want to lose a match. I can understand that in the ranking game since if one lose a match the penalty is the rank goes down rather than going up. If it was a classic game there are no penalties except if the players stayed idle or AFK (away from keyboard – yeah there’s no keyboard but that’s the generic term for putting the device down for 5 minutes and not moving your character). The only penalty here is that a player’s game credit gets deducted and if the credit goes down below 80 a player cannot play in the ranking game.

Another thing in the game is when the connection gets bad or LAGGING where the server is already full and cannot handle the load of players playing at that time so the game suggests a change of server which does not affect the ongoing match since once reconnected the player can continue playing in the same match. One thing that annoys me is that other players say that they are “LOG” instead of “LAG” not sure why but it annoys me. Once I notice that the game is lagging or network is not so good I end the game even at the risk of losing some credits since it is the same no matter how you look at it. Game server lags for 5 minutes you are defined as AFK by the system even though you aren’t so end the game you get the same penalty. Another penalty is a player if AFK is also punished by not being able to play for 5 minutes as well so no problem with me I just turn off the app and open another game or go to my pc to browse the internet or watch anime for another review.

All in all this game Mobile Legend is fun to play but just like any other game be ready for some trash talk, cheaters, game hackers and other players that has bad manners towards other players who just want to play in peace and experience the game.

There is also another thing in the game called guilds or groups of players that makes a group or guild. These guilds are often playing against other guilds in a match and gets rewards. Of course these are players who has given a lot to master the game and the characters they want to use.

Since this game is free to play and can be easily accessed by players of any age that has a mobile phone compatible for the game application. So young or old can play this game which is why I don’t get the logic of other players who sees themselves too perfect and does not want to see other players who plays like a newbie to the game which is unavoidable. This is one of the reasons why I don’t join guilds since there are often times I get killed easily and even though I have been playing for a long time I still play like a newbie which is why I don’t mind being called a newbie.

Only thing about the game is that since it is open to majority of players and due to the specs needed for the game to function properly there are those who are too addicted to play the game end up using money to buy top of the line mobile phones specially students who has no access to work and only rely on their allowance or their parents to ask for money to buy a device to play the game with. Those who has access to earn money end up by loan or use their salary to buy a top of the line devices. Well some hardcore gamers spend a lot to buy high spec devices for the game to function or to play better. Some gamers instead of getting high spec devices tend to find other ways to play the game using minimum specs required but the game will run not so well but still playable although some effects suffer. Other gamers use emulators to run the game in desktop or laptop that has specs that can run the game.

So an addicting game for my first game review no idea which game I will review next and when.

On to the next random review.

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