Wednesday, January 30, 2019



A review for the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly that recently came out last year in Japan around November 14 for Tokyo and December 14 for the rest of Japan to see last 2018. 2019 the rest of the fans living in other countries are to get their chance to see the movie in the big screen.

The Sound Track for the movie Blizzard by Daichi Miura

Blizzard, I guess it fits since the battle between the Saiyans are set in the icy regions of their Earth.

The movie also featured a new version of the Chala Head Chala a classic Dragon Ball Z Theme from where Broly was first introduced.

Philippines is scheduled by the end of January 2019 although not sure how it will be delivered and if the dubbing group will give justice on the English dub of the native language Filipino.

Broly created by Takao Koyama and designs by Akira Toriyama.

1993 when Broly was first introduced in the Dragon Ball franchise but only as a non-canon character. Broly was the supposed Legendary Super Saiyan who has nothing in his mind but pure destruction and controlled only by his father Paragus who raised him as a living weapon so that he can take his revenge upon King Vegeta after he and his son were left to die in some abandoned area in Planet Vegeta. But when Planet Vegeta was slowly being destroyed the father and son were able to survive by the power of the infant Broly and was somehow able to fly off into space along with his father.

In the 1993 and 1994 movie Broly has another thing set in his mind other than the supposed revenge of his father over the deceased King Vegeta who died when Planet Vegeta was destroyed and that was to destroy that noisy loud crying Saiyan baby beside his incubation chamber and that was non-other than Kakarot now known as Goku.

So, in the classic movie Broly was only known for his hatred towards Goku because of his never-ending crying.

As usual Goku and his sons wins in the three movies where Broly appeared as the big bad ass monster of pure destruction.

Now in 2018 Broly has been re-introduced but now under the full supervision of Akira Toriyama not to mention Broly has been redesigned at the same time he has been given a new history background. A new history for the Saiyan Race has been re-written in the new movie where the new Broly has been re-introduced now as a canon character and part of the Dragon Ball Super Saga.

The new Broly is now introduced as a Saiyan that has been born almost same time as the Prince Vegeta. In this movie Broly was not ordered to killed but sent off planet, exiled to an inhospitable planet known as Vampa. Paragus this time was not killed but instead he set off by himself to rescue his son from the isolated planet and planned to raise Broly to become stronger in order to take his revenge upon the jealous King Vegeta since Broly has shown higher combat proficiency compared to a Royal Blood Saiyan.

Not only Broly and Vegeta was shown in this new re-introduction but also a new re-introduction for the hero Goku when he was still in Planet Vegeta with his mother and father. Yes we get to see Goku’s mother in the big screen Gine the wife of Bardock (Bardock will get his own review along with other supposed Legendary Super Saiyan).

Gine finally being introduced and for me seeing the mother of Goku for the first time was an epic one in my book. Goku got his looks from his father but in this movie it seems like Goku got his personality from his mother who was kind and caring for her family and objected with the idea of sending Goku to Earth which Bardock chose to send his son before Frieza destroyed their planet. One of the, some will say a touching scene for the movie, the scene when Gine and Bardock sent Kakarot to Earth. One thing bothers me though why the heck is Kakarot wearing his Saiyan Armor and almost a full grown kid that can walk on his own although Gine did said that he is yet to learn to speak. In the classic Dragon Ball when he was picked up buy his adopted grandfather Gohan he was wearing nothing and only the pod was his connection to his Saiyan origin. His armor was nowhere to be seen unless Gohan threw it away and was not mentioned anymore except that Kakarot hit his head hard and forgot everything (Broly still has his infant memory in the 1993 movie I guess it will linger once you get a loud neighbor that cries all the time). Sad moment as well, Gine telling her beloved baby not to forget them but getting his head hit after falling from a cliff and survived in exchange for a memory loss that will never come back I feel sad for Gine. But I guess it all depends on Akira Toriyama if he decides to one day have Goku dream of his parents and his memories returns before he was sent to Earth, man that sounds like Superman accepting his Kriptonian Legacy as Kal-El.

Young Raditz was also shown in this movie and a skinny one as well still not the buffed barbarian that was introduced in the Dragon Ball Z series. Napa with HAIR yes with HAIR cherish it. Vegeta’s younger brother Tarble was mentioned once again after he was mentioned in the Battle of the Gods. Too bad Raditz as needed to be killed off the story in the DBZ series or else we have a team of the brothers Vegeta-Tarble, Goku/Kakarot-Raditz with the addition of Broly. But I guess that will tilt the balance way off since we will be having a lot of power house if that ever happened (revive Raditz and reform him hehehe).

The new Broly this time is not out to destroy Goku since Goku is in an incubation chamber which was located in the house of his parents and this Goku is said to be a low lever Saiyan but seems like Bardock can sense that Goku will become a great warrior when the day comes. Broly grew up only knowing his father in the Planet Vampa and he was raised nly to follow his orders.

Both versions of Broly has a device that allows Paragus to control Broly once he gets out of control. In the 1993 version Broly was wearing a Sailor Moon Tiara and the control device is worn by Paragus like a bracer. In the 2018 version he wears a choker and a remote control is kept inside waist pouch kept near Paragus which once pressed the choker electrifies Broly putting him under Paragus’ control.

The monstrous powers of Broly did not change much even in the new version but for some reason it seems like this new version has a lot more power compared to the old version. It was said by Paragus that Broly was able to incorporate the Great Ape abilities into his own which was shown when Broly used an energy blast which comes out of his mouth which was commonly used by Great Ape form. So I guess this makes Broly close to a Super Saiyan 4 in normal form since he can use the Great Ape attacks and neither Goku or Vegeta was not able to do that. So this makes Broly’s special attack just like Gokus KameHameHa which he learned from Roshi and was passed down to his sons. Vegeta he got his Gallick Gun and Final Attack which Trunks can also use, I wonder if the will make Bura/Bra a female Saiyan Warrior as well as this new version of Pan.

A new character named Cheelai was introduced in the movie she along with Lemo were able to pick up the distress signal being sent from Vampa which Paragus activated and waited years for rescue. Seeing that Broly has powers that the scouters cannot comprehend Lemo decided to bring the father and son to Frieza’s base to be recruited and join the Frieza Force. Frieza seeing a potential that Broly can take out Goku and Vegeta decided to recruit him and brought him to Earth as he collects the Dragon Balls for his INSANE WISH which is as INSANE as Bulma’s wish

Frieza seeing potentials from Broly decided to take advantage of the situation and killed Paragus hoping to release more potential from Broly knowing that anger and rage can fuel a Saiyan and make them even more powerful in combat.

Another epic scene in the movie was when the second fusion form of Goku and Vegeta returns once again. In the battle with Zamasu and Pink Haired Goku, Goku and Vegeta was forced to use the Potara to fuse into the warrior Vegito but it was also stated that the fusion was temporary to non-Gods which was the reason why Goku and Vegeta separated during the Buu Saga and was not because they were swallowed by Buu. The Fusion Gogeta which was the result of the Fusion Dance returned which was featured in the movie where they fought against Janenba the guy who looked like a three-way fusion of Cell, Buu and Frieza (that did not sound right three-way fusion what the heck am I saying).

Damn this battle soundtrack still lingers in my head.

Oh yeah Frieza joined the fight might as well watch that.

Cheelai was not just a side character who just accidentally ran across Broly but she plays a huge role in the movie as well specially for the part of Broly.

The movie and the new retelling of the introduction of Broly into the Dragon Ball franchise by Akira Toriyama seemed to be even more suited for the flow of the story for me compared to 1993 version. And also as it was mentioned Broly 1993 was a non-canon character and only a movie exclusive character as well as a special character in the Dragon Ball Z Super Butouden game in the SNES console. This time around Broly has been made to be incorporated in the series as it was suggested in the ending when Goku visited Broly in Vampa after their battle on Earth. Broly along with Cheelai and Lemo meets Goku who brought gifts which are Capsule Cartridges whch has a shelter, food and water for them to live on while their stay on Vampa until they decide to move on another planet while evading Frieza. It is also seemed possible that Broly will be brought back again in the future by Akira Toriyama since it was also speculated that Frieza wants Broly in his team even more wanting to pump more muscles in his army in order to defeat Goku and Vegeta.

For me I just hope next time they bring back Broly, he teams up with Goku and Vegeta not to mention I also hope they also bring back Tarble and last four pure blood Saiyan, too bad there are no female Saiyan survivor in their Universe unless Akira Toriyama decides to make Broly meet either Kale or Caulifla and fall for one of them but I guess that is just a wishful thinking for my part.

For the Broly design between the 1993 version and the 2018 version I like the new one a lot better not because it looks more modern for the animation design but because it looks cleaner and more proportioned for me compared to the old one. The old Broly who has a tunic on his waist was changed to wearing a fur, which was the ear of his wild animal friend on Vampa cut by his father because it was making Broly mushier rather than a killing machine that he wants. Broly wears it like a memento of his animal friend. Making Broly survive the battle was even better rather killing him again which makes me wish that next time he teams up with Goku and Vegeta (how many times have I said that). It also seems like Goku had also accepted his Saiyan lineage after he introduced himself to Cheelai as Goku he also mentioned to Broly that he can call him Kakarot, which was a lot different from the 1993 movie which he denies that name I guess because Broly is out to kill Kakarot and thinking that he might stop attacking once he convice Broly that he is Goku and not Kakarot.

I will recommend this to everyone even to those who are not into anime not because I want them to start watching but also for them to experience even once why anime is still suited even to adults.

Credits to owners of the videos and the photos

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