Thursday, February 28, 2019



An anime adaptation of a manga serialized online from 2015 up to present currently with 5 volumes. The anime came out last January 9, 2019 with a scheduled 12 episodes. The series is currently being aired.

The series follows two main characters Subaru Mikazuki who lost his parents in an accident and is later on seen working as an author and his novel gets published. The other main character is the stray cat that he found or that found him when he visited the grave of his parents.


Taking the cat back to his house and later became roommates and kept each other company inside the house.

Subaru as a kid does not have many friends and only relied on the company of his books at home which already looked like a library to his childhood friend Hiroto Yasaka when they were young. Hiroto has been friends with Subaru and has been keeping him company as well by visiting him regularly and bringing him food or other supplies knowing that Subaru does not come out regularly ever since his parents died and left him alone.

He secluded himself with his books and his writing of his novel, aside from Hiroto there is Atsushi Kawase his editor at the publishing company that publishes his novel. He is another individual that has been keeping watch of Subaru as well as his health since he is living alone ever since the accident.

The fated meeting of Subaru and Haru was the turning point of his entire secluded life, having a cat which he kept by his side instead of leaving it behind or after feeding it casting it out again in the streets, changed his life as well as it pushed him in to communicating more with other people. Meeting new people one after another became a chain of events for Subaru as well as Haru who has also become accustomed to the way of living of Subaru in the quiet house. Haru became one of the bridges for Subaru to again communicate with other new people aside from Hiroto and Atsushi. He met the pet shop sales clerk Nana and her brother Yugo who incidentally reads Subaru’s novels. This makes his novel another bridge that is connecting him to more people slowly one step at a time. Subar has also made Haru an added inspiration for his novels.

The series does not only concentrate on one perspective in each episode. There are two perspective in the story, one is Subaru’s perspective which shows everything that he is doing and how he sees his new cat. The other perspective is Haru’s perspective this is the only point in time in each episode where we hear Haru’s thoughts in her point of view on how she sees her new owner every day. This method of having to hear haru’s thoughts reminds me of the classic cartoon Garfield where the titular cat Garfield and his owner Jon would seem to look like is having a conversation and hearing each other’s voices wherein it also seems like it is just a coincidence that their thoughts are just synchronized with each other and understands each other in every episode. Unless they really made Garfield a talking cat and can communicate telepathically.

The series is very relaxing in each episode and I have not seen any dull moments in the episodes that has been aired which is currently at 8 episodes and for someone who is not really close to any house pets I am following this series since the first episode.

Not only for those who are pet lovers, this series is a good watch as well as it is very relaxing, no violence, blood, nudity just a regular anime series open for all ages.

Waiting or the rest of the episodes and how the two characters handles their everyday routine from sleeping to eating and working with playing.

credits to the owners of the video and pics used

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