Saturday, June 23, 2018


Image result for dawn of justice


A recent movie that came out 2016 and I just recently got to watch it on HBO which was followed by the Wonder Woman movie which I still need to see in full.

So this review and reaction is only for the Dawn of Justice

Image result for superman vs batman animated

Boy are they looking real old and stubby. Wonder Woman did not appear in this animated version of Batman vs Superman but a new Robin did appeared out of nowhere a young girl for this movie.

There are any other versions of the Batman vs Superman stories out there but these two are my well favorites for now.

At the start of the film i was all WOW i finally got to watch that talked about movie at the office and in the internet. I was going "thank you HBO".

While watching they started out at the scene which I think was the battle of Superman against the invading General Zod destroying Metropolis and we see Bruce Wayne (took me a while to figure out that it was Bruce Wayne riding in a car making his way which I think was the Daily Planet and he was talking to someone on the phone, audio was bad while watching not sure why)

So in that scene it looked like Superman was going berserk blasting that heat vision which I don't know if this was that scene from the Superman vs Zod I think this was the part where they were throwing each other from building to building wrecking everything in the area. Made me really wonder why is it that when the good guys get involve in the battle there are more destruction than when it was only the bad guy wrecking the city.

Other than the part where heroes get to wreck more stuff than the villains, this Dawn of Justice seems to have happened in an alternate timeline. The reason for me to have this opinion is that The Flash appeared out of nowhere in the Bat-cave trying to reach Bruce telling him to find "them"which I thought was the members of the Justice League. I still have no idea as to how this movie will go except for some rumors I have been hearing about both from the internet and from some friends and co-workers.

The scene where the Flash was trying to reach Batman seemed like Flash is stuck and trying to get out of some vacuum but was not successful and was only able to tell Bruce to "Find Them" and then vanished. Are we going to get a Flashpoint movie as well? 

This is also the only Batman version where I saw him use a gun except that Flashpoint Batman which was his father who has been using firearms along with his gadgets to fight (If we are going to have Flashpoint movie we might also get to see Bruce's father as Batman and his mother as Joker not bad although we might see a skinny Superman as well).

Superman in this version also looks like he is about to take over the entire planet since he is being praised like a god by majority of the people who has seen him.

Wonder Woman well I did not notice much except she seemed to be more of a war hungry amazon just like in Flashpoint as well.

Flash well is Flash and it really looked like he really did something in the timeline.

Aquaman looked like a scared fish in that video.

Cyborg he looked like a toy kit that is slowly being assembled but with missing parts and that cube assembled him. The cube I assumed is a Motherbox Unit used by the New Gods which seems to be a sign that we might see Darkseid in the future.

Lex Luthor is also different here, he looked like a guy with many screws loose in head and his brain is about fall out of his head. What happened to his character here.

The fight scenes in the movie is well entertaining having to see how Batman made Superman bleed, how Batman prepared for his fight with the Last Son of Krypton and later how their fight ended by just mentioning "Martha" which in turn is the name of both their mothers. This triggered a lot of memes where fighting were stopped by mentioning Martha and ending up they have mothers of the same name.

Doomsday, I think that was Doomsday created from the carcass of General Zod altering his genetics with the help of Lex Luthor mixing his blood with General Zod.

Wonder Woman appearing to help the two muscle brains in the fight against Doomsday ( I am calling him Doomsday )

Personal reaction to this film I was legit surprised on their character representation I was not used to seeing Batman using guns even though I have seen a Batman version in the Flashpoint animated movie using guns to fight, but in a live action film it was a first for me.

The actors:

Ben Affleck - Batman / Bruce Wayne
Henry Cavill - Superman / Clark Kent
Gal Gadot - Wonder Woman / Diana Prince

The main cast of superheroes in the film

Ezra Miller - Flash / Barry Allen
Jason Momoa - Aquaman / Arthur Curry
Rey Fisher - Cyborg / Victor Stone

The superheroes to join them in the next film Justice League, which I have yet to see.

All in all the film was great to watch although not without the parts that got me saying "what the heck"

I will watch this again and the Justice League film and I will recommend this film and I stop myself from spoiling the fun ( I did try my best to not say too much about this film right? )

Robin Atkin Downes - Doomsday the guy who... well those who read the comics and who knows the Superman story this guy is the drinking buddy of Bane who got bragging rights after well you know with Batman.

Well time to look for Justice League

pics used in the review are from the internet and credits to the real owners.

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